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Data Analytics Support

Through our Quantitative and Qualitative approach we collect data from structured, unstructured and semi structured data sources to include time and attendance data (Structured data), Employee Engagement Surveys (Semi Structured data) and Informal Feedback (Unstructured data) to build a complete and holistic view on behalf of our clients. Identifying trends in employee behaviour such as employee exit, employee commitment, employee success, employee absence planned and unplanned, and employee attraction etc on behalf of our valued partners and clients.

Data Analytics

Data Driven Organisations can make decisions more effectively by utilising reliable data, proposing trends and analysing the potential impact for the decisions they reach.

Our team of Workforce BI specialists at Kaizen will support you, through integration with our innovative technology, to gather information on your workforce and utilise the derived knowledge to prepare bespoke reports that work for our clients. We prepare key metric dashboards, key findings reports, and current/predictive trend analysis.

Descriptive Analysis

Utilising past data Kaizen can share insight into past trends and the impact of past decisions in shaping those trends. Examples of this are Key Performance Indicators, Attrition Reports and Employee Engagement Trends.

Diagnostic Analysis

Using the Descriptive Analysis of past data and current findings Kaizen can utilise the derived knowledge to form insights into particular emerging trends. Kaizen Workforce BI Data scientists are experts in creating and assessing quantitative and qualitative data to form impactful meaningful reports.

Predictive Analysis

Utilising our descriptive and diagnostic tools and analytics the Kaizen Workforce BI team build predictive workforce models. Predictive analysis is beneficial to decision makers ensuring effective planning for future outcomes based in data, statistic modelling and data mining techniques, identifying risks and opportunities.


The tools and know-how to drive continous professional and personal work life development.


Being a data driven Organisation is crucial for sustainable growth.