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5 Non-Monetary Ways to Reward Employees


Do you want a simple way of increasing morale in the workplace? Start rewarding employees when they perform well. Rewarding employees leads to greater employee engagement, which increases retention, and helps create a more positive workplace. Many companies reward employees with seasonal bonuses contingent on reaching KPIs. However, it doesn’t have to be as complicated as that. Small, non-monetary awards are just as appreciated. Here are some ideas for non-monetary rewards that employees would greatly appreciate.

1. Time off is a great way to reward employees

Recognising a job well done with paid time off is an excellent way to reward employees. Especially if the project was particularly intense. And the employee gave it their all in order to meet the deadline. Allowing additional holiday days is a small token of gratitude that will cost the business nothing. Additionally, the extra holiday days will also have a knock-on effect by improving staff retention and reducing burnout.

2. A thank you note

A handwritten thank you note from a superior is an extremely thoughtful and effective way to reward an employee. It may not seem like much but taking the time out of your busy day to actually sit and write a note demonstrates just how much you value the recipient and their work. It expresses your gratitude to the employee and makes them feel appreciated. And feeling appreciated is a reward in itself.

3. A personal gift

Another non-monetary way to reward employees is to give them a personal gift to celebrate a job well done. Now the keyword here is personal. Do not reward employees with a generic gift. And avoid gift cards unless you know particular employee values gift cards. The gift should be thoughtful and based on what they like, want or need. Receiving such a gift from a superior is sure to delight any employee. It is always nice to receive such a personal gift. But coming from a manager, as a way of saying job well done, will make the employee feel so special.

4. The opportunity to give back via charity work

Many people find doing charity work extremely rewarding. It allows individuals to work with like-minded people and make a difference, no matter how small. Which in turn feels good. So, why not offer employees the opportunity to work with a charity as a reward? This has two benefits. Firstly, younger generations are more socially conscious. So, providing altruistic employees with the opportunity to give back as a reward could seriously boost productivity. And secondly, it will improve the overall reputation of the business.

5. Recognition of a job well done

Simply recognising an employee on their work performance is a reward in and of itself. It doesn’t have to be a huge spectacle. We’re not talking about hosting presentations. But a simple pat on the back will go a long way. This is especially good if done in front of other team members. Not only will it encourage other members of the team to step up in order to receive their own pat on the back. But it will foster an encouraging environment. Which hopefully results in peers praising each other.


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