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Category Archives: Management

Smart Hiring with AI: What You Need to Know

In the world of hiring, new tech called Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the game. AI helps companies sort through job applications faster, but it’s…

23 Nov 2023

The Irrefutable Benefits of Kaizen Workforce BI

Where efficiency and precision are paramount in the ever-evolving landscape of human resources and workforce management, staying ahead requires more than just intuition and experience….

Mental Wellness at Work

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, the importance of mental health in the workplace cannot be overstated. With increasing work pressures, long hours, and the…

28 Sep 2023

Unlocking the Advantages of Time and Attendance Tracking Solutions

In the realm of business management, tracking employee attendance stands as a pivotal task. It furnishes decision-makers with the indispensable ability to oversee workforce hours,…

14 Sep 2023

Cracking the Code to Workplace Motivation: What Really Motivates Us in the Workplace

In today’s rapidly evolving work landscape, understanding what motivates employees is essential for organisations striving to create a productive and engaged workforce. Recently, Kaizen Workforce…

19 Jul 2023

Unlocking Success in Supply Chain Hiring: How Kaizen Delivers Results

In today’s competitive business landscape, a well-functioning supply chain is vital for the success and growth of any organisation. However, assembling a talented and efficient…

9 Jun 2023

Mastering Remote Workforce Management: A Guide for Managers

The rise of remote work has transformed the way businesses operate. As a manager, it is essential to adapt to the changing landscape and effectively…

7 Mar 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 Welcome to our Gender Pay Gap Report, where we dive deep into the pay differences between genders in the workplace….

28 Feb 2023

5 Ways To Improve Employee Engagement Rates

In order to reap the rewards of their enhanced productivity, employers must keep staff engaged and motivated. Luckily, there are a number of strategies you…

24 Jan 2023

3 Workplace Trend Predictions for 2023

2022 was another whirlwind year for businesses. From high turnover to high-burnout rates, there was a certain level of unpredictability facing every employer. And 2023…

17 Jan 2023

5 Non-Monetary Ways to Reward Employees

Do you want a simple way of increasing morale in the workplace? Start rewarding employees when they perform well. Rewarding employees leads to greater employee…

13 Dec 2022

3 Common Causes of Poor Staff Retention

Staff retention is the ability of a company to prevent employee turnover. Poor staff retention will negatively impact a business. Not only does it negatively…

6 Dec 2022

Employee Turnover: What it is & Why It Matters

Employee turnover is the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new employees. Employee turnover rates significantly impact a business. Therefore,…

9 Nov 2022

Generational Differences Cause Common Work Issues

There are four main generations in today’s workforce. They are Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millenials and Generation Z. Each generation brings different values, and beliefs…

31 Oct 2022

5 Essential Soft Skills Every Manager Needs

Allocating management positions based on longevity or work performance is a recipe for disaster. Yes, an employee may have more experience than anyone else. And…

18 Oct 2022

3 Ways Managers Can Deal With Workplace Bullying

The definition of workplace bullying is the repetition of unfavourable and inappropriate treatment of a person by another/others in the workplace. This includes behaviours that…